Tamarind Gum Kernel Powder from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
The company furnishes superior quality tamarind kernel powder in the market. Following are some of the applications of tamarind kernel powder:
It is widely used as textile printing thickener.
It has excellent penetration & fiber forming property. It is effectively used for sizing in dyeing & printing Industry.
It is used as a sizing material in paper industry. It increases the tensile strength of paper and ensures regular distribution of pulp fiber.
It is also used for sizing in jute yarn & cotton wraps.
It is used as a binder in slurry explosive as a substitute for guar gum.
It is very effectively used these days by oil drilling companies as Soil Stabilizer.
It is used as a core binder in foundries.
It is also used as an extender in plywood industries in UF glue.
It is also used as binder in mosquito coli industries.

Tamarind Seeds is a thing of much Splendour. Its Powder is widely used in Industrial Products, including Paper, Textile, Jute, Plywood and Food Industries.
Tamarind Kernel Powder specifications:
D-mannose and D-galactose
This Powder is odorless and is creamish white in color
Moisture Content : 06 to 12 %
Crude Fiber : 01 to 02 %
Protein : 10 to 20 %
Viscosity : 2800 CPS in 3% solution
Color : light creamy
pH of 5% slurry : 6.0 to 7.0
Sieve Value : 100 mesh 100% w/w passing
Sieve Value : 200 mesh 99% w/w passing
Sieve Value : 300 mesh 99% w/w passing
Tamarind Kernel Powder has a high water absorption capacity.